Witness the heartfelt return of an old friend in “Titans: Rebirth” #1 (Review)

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Titans: Rebirth #1
DC Comics

Written by: Dan Abnett
Art by:
Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund and Andrew Dalhouse

Titans: Rebirth continues where Flash: Rebirth left off and DC Universe: Rebirth kicked off, as Wally returns home and tries to amend forgotten relationships with his peers. This issue acts as a continuation to the main plotline, as we following Wally who seems to not only  is the main protagonist of this issue but perhaps the Rebirth series to take place within the next two years.

“At long last I’m finally home”

Titans: Rebirth #1 truly reintroduces Wally into the DC Universe after his hiatus where he was trapped in the speed force.  Even if you are unfamiliar with Wally’s backstory, this issue provides enough information to give new users an opportunity to catch up. Wally also ditches the Kid Flash getup, for a new burgundy design.

This is an issue about friendship, as Wally interacts with each of the members of the current Titans team. The issue takes place in one location, the Titans Apartment. As he is witnessed himself literally erased from photographs, he discovers that simple interaction between him and the other Titans creates a jolt which restore some of the memories the others had of him. Titans: Rebirth #1 takes place in the past and present, as one at a time, each of the members memories shared with Wally are reprogrammed into their minds. 

Each of the memories shared perfectly conveyed each of the characters personalities. In fact, the memories were the best moments in the entire issue. One example of this, was when Donna, an Amazonian, remembered a specific moment where Wally pushed her to play a prank, which she showed hesitation to due to her background as a relentless warrior. One of the tear-jerking moments for me, was a flashback of Wally and his best friend, Dick Grayson taking the Batmobile for a joy-ride.

This issue does a great job focusing on character development, by traveling from past to present we are reminded of the bond Wally shares with his peers, but more important, why Wally should never be taken from us again! Abnett provides a upbeat story, as he gradually reintroduces the importance of the relationships between the Titans.

We also get to see the Titans new costumes in action. All of which look fantastic. The artwork by Booth delivered were great in moments. I admit, I wasn’t a fan of the overused angled panels. However, his art style does fit organically with an issue as playful as this issue.

I can say for one, I am pretty damn glad to see Wally back. Thank you, DC.

By Danny Benavides

Dad. Husband. Senior Editor at GWW. Music Enthusiast. Techie. Gamer. Coffee Addict. Vinyl Collector. Follow me on Twitter @dannybenavides

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