Wolverine: Battle For The Claws Featuring Cal Dodd

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Who Will Claim the Adamantium Mantle?

Years after the death of Wolverine, his progeny gather to battle for his legacy: his adamantium skeleton. It has been Infused in the body of his female clone, X23. A race between healing factors begins that guides the amnesiac X-23 on a journey to find out who she is and discover her family. Weapon X is on her trail under the command of Mr. Sinister as he orders Lady Deathstrike to return the living weapon with the help of Sabretooth. X-23 travels to Japan with former allies, X-Men, and a certain Merc with a Mouth. The burgeoning force are taken by force in Japan by the Hand Ninja cult. X-23 is reunited with her kidnapper, intended killer, and biological brother: Dakken.

The Battle for the Claws features the clone vs. the prodigal in a battle for Logan’s greatest weapons and the moniker of the Wolverine.

Starring X-Men The Animated Series Voice Actor Cal Dodd reprising his role as Wolverine.

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