Wolverine Villain Omega Red Confirmed To Have Been In Theatrical Version of ‘Deadpool 2’

Jul 16, 2018

It looks like we were right and Wolverine villain Omega Red was indeed in Deadpool 2’s theatrical cut.

We spotted an Instagram post by makeup artist Bill Corso that has posted the first clear look at the baddie, who may or may not be Ryan Reynolds under that makeup (we think it might be).

The same background mutant we thought was Red when we spotted him back in May.

This lineups with our own information we previously posted around the film’s release that Omega Red was in the Ice Box hanging around as an extra.

UPDATE: It’s been confirmed that New York Jets Rookie Dakota Shepley is actually the one play Omega Red.

The Uncut Version is said to have an Omega Red chess scene with Wade.

Could we see another version of him in Drew Goddard’s X-Force?