X-23 #6 REVIEW

Nov 10, 2018

Mad Cave Studios


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X-23 #6
Marvel Comics

Written by: Mariko Tamaki
Art by: Georges Duarte
Colors by: Chris O’Halloran
Letters by: Cory Petit 

From the people who brought you the Breakfast Club, Saved by the Bell and every other show or movie that took place in a high school: X-23 #6, Laura and Gabby go to school.

I honestly thought it was a middle school/junior high at first. I guess Gabby could pass for a freshman in high school? She’s definitely smart enough to be one (which you’d know if you’ve been following along with X-Men Red). But this wasn’t about any of that. X-23 #6 was another quick issue, but Mariko Tamaki put the focus back on the two main characters.

And I loved it.

X-23 as a gym teacher is too perfect. Way too intense about physical activity and using assigned power to the fullest extent — maybe ongoing a bit too far — seems very natural for her.

But while she was living the dream, some girl — who turned out to be the person of interest — was throwing shade at Gabby. And it was over her totally awesome hat. (By the way, Since when are hats allowed in school? Do teachers just let kids get away with absolutely everything?

Then when Honey Badger and X-23 realize Gabby’s bully is, in fact, the person they were looking for, they fight her robot that shoots huge wads of gum. At least, that’s what I thought it was right away. But Gabby said it was “like a giant mochi,” and that it “smells like gum.” If it smells like gum, it’s sticky and pink, then it’s gum.

Speaking of pink, I just realized right now that the “villain” in this issue not only wore pink, but created a pink robot that shot out a pink substance (still believe it was gum). Maybe just tone it down a tiny bit?

A very nice change of pace from Tamaki, and I felt Georges Duarte’s best work in the issue was X-23. He still maintained her look, while making her fit right in as a young, fit teacher.