Inspiring and Original Xehnis’ Cosplay Is Magical

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Name: Heather Bostic – Xehnis Cosplay

Location: Charleston, WV

World Cosplay:



Photographer(s): Tiffany D. Bailey Photography and Patches.

1. What does cosplaying mean to you?
Cosplay to be is all about having fun. It is through this hobby I have made so many wonderful friends over the years. I love the challenge of trying to recreate a costume design of a character I like.

2. What was your very first cosplay experience? What inspired you to take up the craft?
Well, let see. It started back in 2003/2004 for me for cosplay. Halloween was my favorite holiday and I always loved dressing up. I used to watch my grandmother sew our costumes when I was younger and found her inspirational. She used to make bridal dresses for a shop as a seamstress. But skipping ahead in 2003/2004, a gentleman working at a local GameStop store told us about an anime/video game convention he was starting up called Tsubasacon. He told us there were costume contests involved and from that moment I was sold on the idea! It was the first time, our little group had entered in anything and we won best in show that year. So that was my start!

3. If you could select a favorite costume that you have worn, which would you choose?
Oh man, that is a tough question. Most of the cosplays I make are my favorites in a sense. The cosplay I am most proud of would be Umi from Magical Knight Rayearth. It is one of the more recent cosplay I completed with my cosplay partner, Midori Kaguya.

4. And, if you could select a favorite costume that you’ve seen someone else wear, what would that be?
For me that was Lady Ava as Natsuki (final form) from Summer Wars. I saw her for the first time at Colossalcon competing that outfit and was blown away with the beautiful detailing on her outfit. I was really inspired by her work.

5. What is an upcoming costume that you’re currently working on?
Well, there are two cosplays I’m working on currently. The first one is Umi from Magical Knight Rayearth but one of her other outfits from the artbook series. The second is a major project since it is for World Cosplay Summit(WCS) USA finals. It is Son Hak from Akatsuki no Yona. I’ll be performing once again with my cosplay partner as Elemental Moon Cosplay. I hope everyone likes it!

6. If you had unlimited funds and resources, what costume(s) would you create?
I would have to choose a project I started a while back but never worked on anymore. That was Crying Wolf from Metal Gear Solid 4. Like an actual working mechanic suit like that. I was having trouble getting the mechanics to work the way I wanted at the time. But I wanted to be able to lift up out and pose like I was shooting the sniper rifle mounted on top of it.

7. How do you prepare yourself, mentally and physically, for an upcoming convention/event?
I approach it the same like I do all my cosplay projects. I research hardcore before even getting any materials. I draft out how I’m going to do each piece of the outfit and how much I’ll need of certain materials to make it happen. Then the magic begins. Now, for cosplay performances I take it further. For example, Son Hak for WCS USA finals, I have been working on building up my strength at the gym and practicing Shaolin Kung Fu Bo staff techniques since he wields a spear.

8. At the end of the day, in your opinion, what is the best part about cosplaying?
Hands down it is the friendships and the overall feeling you gain through the adventure. I know I mentioned it above, but I have gained so many wonderful friends through the years. I wouldn’t trade that for anything. It normally starts with a simple love for the same series or you are cosplaying the same character. I love that! I always want to get a picture with people.

9. What advice can you offer to those who are aspiring cosplayers?
Anyone can cosplay! Does not matter if you are tall, short, big or small. Cosplay is all about having fun and enjoying the craft. I encourage you to talk to other cosplayers. You can learn a lot of different techniques you can try that way. There is always something new you can learn!

To learn more about Xehnis Cosplay, check out her World Cosplay page: and check out her Facebook page:

If you or someone you know would like to have a gallery featured on Geeks World Wide, please email Casey at!

By Bobbiann Mako

Social Media Manager & Cosplay Editor for Geeks World Wide. Grey Warden. Inquisitor. Champion of Kirkwall. Jedi. Dragonborn. Trekkie. Tea connoisseur. Guardian. Pokémon & Peggle Master. Frequent Simmer. I tend to pull aggro... a lot.

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