The Church of Latter Day Simpsons is Here to Save Your Soul

Feb 7, 2016

Hi everybody! Do you like The Simpsons? Did you drop off around season 10 like the rest of us? Well, do we have the podcast for you!

After years astray, two fans are returning to our original place of worship: in front of a TV watching The Simpsons. And since TV stops for no fan, we’re picking up where we left off with the iconic and omnipresent series, watching the post-classic seasons to discuss the latter day, lesser quoted episodes that we’ve missed. Each Sunday, we two prodigal sons shepherd the listener through our journey as we try to rediscover our faith in The Simpsons. Well, we can’t promise we’ll try, but we’ll try to try.

In this episode, we cover:
“Lard of the Dance”
“The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace”
“Barth the Mother”
“Treehouse of Horror IX”