Welcome Back! “Nightwing: Rebirth” #1 (Review)

Jul 13, 2016

Mad Cave Studios


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ntwreb-cv1-ds-089ecNightwing: Rebirth #1
DC Comics

Written by: Tim Seeley
Art by: Yanick Paquette

In Nightwing Rebirth #1 Dick Grayson is back after tying up a few loose ends. He has a last mission with best friends Tony The Tiger and Midnighter. We also see him save Damien from a bomb in his skull after a few rounds at the arcade. It’s a great refresher on the character that doesn’t read like a bland overview of his history.

Tim Seeley did a great job with this coming off of Grayson with Tom King and I think that’s to be expected. It’s clear that he gets the character but I can’t wait to see where he takes Nightwing ntwreb-1-e442bmoving forward. I only imagine it’ll be just as fun as what we’ve see here and have seen in the past. Yanick Paquette left nothing to be desired in his work on art. I’d like to see how he makes Nightwing his own throughout the series but this was a really strong start. Actually, having done a bit of research it looks like Javier Fernandez is credited with pencils for the next four issues so I’m still a little unclear who the team will be moving forward. All that matters is Paquette did really strong work for this issue especially in his well choreographed and dynamic fight scenes.

When DC announced Rebirth pretty much all I wanted was Dick Grayson to come back as Nightwing. Tim Seeley has proven he knows the character but I can’t wait to see him back in his element. I’ll say it again I really liked this issue but I’ll admit there were a couple of points where I was lost, I think I missed an issues or two of the previous series and it threw me off. Otherwise this is a great jumping on point and start for Nighwing’s next journey. As usual I’ll leave you with this if you like it go support it so it stays on the shelves. I think this series is worth supporting and I hope it remains solid going forward.