A great End in “Wild’s End #6” REVIEW

Feb 10, 2015

Mad Cave Studios


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BOOM-Wilds-End-006-A-Main-83047Wild’s End #6 (of 6)
BOOM! Studios

Written By: Dan Abnett
Illustrated & Lettered By: I.N.J. Culbard

The end of the world starts and stops in this old quaint town (one that I would love to take a holiday to). The previous issues in this serious were a chaotic race to stay ahead of the alien invaders. This is the end one way or another to this story, and it was not a letdown. We have seen a lot of character development throughout the six issues and a surprising amount of character development for the anthropomorphic townspeople. There was a lot themes and scenes that have been seen before in other “War of the Worlds” related stories, but I enjoyed this version as it was with animal people who learned how to trust each other and better themselves.

BOOM-Wilds-End-006-PRESS-6-7d94cI have thoroughly enjoyed the art in this series. There were strong options made in the coloring and the character models that could have told a solid story alone without any script. Without the lettering, it was easy to tell what the story was and what was going on during any panel. The script and dialogue that fills out the story has been consistent as well. The dialogue was intense and cemented the time period as well as location to the readers. At first it may have been hard to read the conversations with the shortened and verbalization of the accents, but by the end of the story I was reading their dialog in the accent and couldn’t stop.

The story progressed each issue how I thought it would, but again I didn’t think that was a bad thing. The end of this story was action packed and full of bravery from several characters. The best part about the end of this comic series, is that the story is not completely over. The H.G. Wells interchangeable story never feels played out, as long as there isn’t an ending that involves the common cold defeating the aliens.