
Mar 10, 2021

The Most Challenging Letter I’ve Ever Written

After 11 years, 942 articles, 100 videos, and 200 podcasts, I am hanging up my peripherals and leaving GWW in the most capable hands I could have ever imagined. When I started GWW I assumed it wouldn’t become what it is today. Usually, my ideas never see the light of day, but the right people caught wind of GWW, joined the team, and brought with them their amazing hobbies and ideas. They had the same desires that I did: to create a community where fans of geek culture can share their opinion without the boundaries and regulations of a large outlet. And every time the right person joined GWW, we morphed and evolved into a better community. I’ll never lose the friends I’ve made on this journey.

When I informed my family and friends about this decision, I had to explain my reasoning several times. I suppose now I have it boiled down to a pretty simple answer: there’s nothing left for me to do. The right people are now managing GWW. Most critical to the GWW mission is Casey Walsh. From his first day at GWW, Casey has been consistently stretching our capabilities until they become second nature to us. Every member of our community, even casual folks know that Casey is our most passionate member and advocate for others.

Under the leadership of Joe Graves, GWW will flourish. Joe’s vision and technical capabilities are the combination needed at this time.

Over the next several weeks, you will not notice any changes. And I have no plans of leaving the community.

Thank you so much for a wonderful eleven years.

Joe Barhoum