3 Leading Golden Visa Programs for US Citizens

Jun 6, 2024

Today, it is hard to imagine a world without travel and mobility. And there is no need to give them up, because telephone devices make it possible to carry out the processing of documents remotely. Not always the conditions of living at home are satisfactory. Many people want more freedom, this also applies to US citizens. Also, often the desire to have an alternate airfield comes from security considerations. If you also want to leave the country quickly and unhindered if necessary, you should familiarize yourself with the methods of obtaining a “golden pass”.

One simple way to achieve the desired – investment. Invest a certain amount of money in the development of the economy of the European power and enjoy all the advantages. Go to another land with a visa to get acquainted with cultural traditions, have a quiet vacation and develop any business unhindered.

Why a US Resident Needs a Golden Visa

As they say, nothing is impossible, so the way is open to all those who want to get to another land for the realization of various charitable purposes. It is necessary to obtain residence by investment in Spain or another country. In other words – the right to permanent or time-limited residence for money. The pass will allow you to implement the most sparkling plans for your business, family vacations, or international education. For USA residents who want to have a backup plan B, this is an excellent opportunity to rid themselves of thoughts about the instability of the political system in their homeland. However, there are several more reasons why this is beneficial for Americans:

  • expanding business to another land;
  • soft tax system;
  • freedom to travel throughout Europe;
  • optimal cost of living.

Cosmopolitan from the States is very pleased to realize that there is another place on earth, where you can come at any time, stay there to live for any number of days, and it will be quite legal. At the same time, after obtaining “admission” there is also an opportunity to apply for citizenship. And this gives even more pluses. However, now let’s talk about the fastest and most unburden some methods for internationalists. How to quickly complete the paperwork and move to the desired land? Special Golden visa programs for US citizens are presented in our list.

Portugal Golden Visa: Opportunities and Benefits

Portugal is a sunny country. There are many interesting properties in this region to invest in. However, there is also a lot of competition for the right to live there. Therefore, the best way is to use a flexible program with minimum requirements (from 250 to 500 thousand euros). After obtaining a residence permit for money, you need to stay in the territory for only 7 days a year. Only then can you qualify for citizenship in the future (after 5 years).


  • education and vocational training;
  • health care;
  • social security benefits; 
  • official recognition of diplomas of education and professional qualifications;
  • Visa-free regime in the Schengen area;
  • freedom to live and do business;
  • no language requirements at the application stage.

The passport rose in the ranking of the most valuable in the world and entered the top 5. A legal citizen has the ability to freely visit 188 countries around the world including: UK, Japan, Hong Kong, New Zealand.

Greece Golden Visa: Investment Options and Advantages

The pass is one of the most inexpensive. The right to enter the Mediterranean power will cost about 250-370 thousand dollars (real estate deposit). Three months after approval, the candidate can move to live according to the law. At the same time, he is not obliged to speak the language and stay on the territory.

Sun, sea, interesting history and colorful culture combined with a high standard of living is simply a dream. However, a visa in the country by the sea provides other opportunities:

  1. Freedom of movement throughout the Schengen zone.
  2. Possibility to live and work.
  3. No need to stay in the territory.
  4. Access to high quality educational institutions and medical services.
  5. Possibility to get after living in the country.
  6. Can be obtained for the whole family.

If you plan to settle permanently in Greece, you will have to live here for a total of 183 days over a period of 7 years.

Spain Golden Visa: Access and Eligibility

Golden visa for Americans allows living, study and work in Spain.

It offers many advantages:

  1. Freedom of movement. 
  2. Living in a developed European country with a high standard of living.
  3. No need for permanent residence.
  4. Ease of renewal procedures.
  5. The card gives the right to work to the applicant and his family members both for hire and in their own business.
  6. Future for heirs. 

The main benefits are undoubtedly the speed of issuing a residence permit (one month) and the relatively low cost of renewal. The minimum amount will be about 500 thousand euros. After 5 years of residence you can apply for a residence permit, and after 10 years – for a second certifying document.

Comparison of Golden Visa Programs: Portugal, Greece, Spain

If we compare the three options to cross the border of another power for purposes favorable to the government and the American, we can draw some conclusions. For example, Spain guarantees the fastest “clearance” of all the others, and Greece is the least expensive. Portugal shows flexibility of the system and minimal requirements. At the same time, all of them are similar in their advantages.

 Bottom Line

So, the main thing is to choose the best immigration program. Some are too expensive, in particular Golden Visa in UAE, others are too cheap, which gives reason to doubt their reliability. According to expert Zlata Erlach (Immigrant Invest company), in order to save time, you should immediately use the help of a specialized specialist. They can be entrusted with all the work with documents, and the remaining time is better spent on other tasks.