Robin Williams (Hook, Mrs Doubtfire) original Jumanji is a classic, a film which holds up well to this day. The 1995 film centered around a young Alan Parish, who was trapped in a board game for twenty-six years. He returns to the present day after being released from the world of Jumanji, but the game has consequences. The only way to fix the destruction caused, is to finish the game.
The New Jumanji, titled Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle stars Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson (Fast 8, San Andreas). The film itself is semi-similar, but instead of it being based on a board game, the sequel’s version of Jumanji is on a computer console. Check the trailer below:
I think it’s fair to say it’s different, a lot different. However I am intrigued to see what Sony pull off as they have a solid cast, you have The Rock, Kevin Hart, Karen Gillan and Jack Black, so at a minimum, we should get a few laughs.
The trailer has action, comedy, kids playing as avatars and super powers thrown in for good measure so it should appeal to the younger audience. I’m not sure if original Jumanji fans will be interested though.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle hits screens December 20th, 2017.