Nomen Omen #6
Image Comics
Writer: Marco B. Bucci
Artist and Colorist: Jacopo Camagni
I wonder if there was an accord to determine which colors are best suited for signifying the use of magic or the presence of the supernatural? This comes to mind after reading issue 6 of Image Comics Nomen Omen due to the amount of green used by artist and colorist Jacopo Camagni. I have no problem with the color green, in fact I find that it perfectly suits the powerful tone which the issue sets. Showcasing Rebecca utilizing her magic, green is indeed gold.
However, before we can get to the new color, we witness Rebecca’s descent. Having lost her heart, literally, she awakens to discover some familiarly unfamiliar individuals. The concepts of chosen ones and past lives aren’t new. During this dream walk, Rebecca encounters others like her. I think during our current times it would be prudent to examine such terms as ancestors and lineage. Similarly, Rebecca sees versions of herself, each enduing a portion of her pain at points or similar journey. The fact that the coloring and art style pivot during this portion of the book highlight its significance to this story.
Returning to amber and action, Rebecca facing the King again fully powered and on the attack. There was a sleekness to the lines during these pages that didn’t allow this portion to drag. I found the King both annoying and arrogant, I couldn’t have enjoyed reading him more. Karabagan, as bodyguards has a most unique power that I image makes her invaluable. I could have done without some of the banter that comes with an action sequence but King is enjoyable to read.
Nomen Omen # 6 begins subtly, sadly with Rebecca broken. While much of Manhattan is awakened amber light, she is left with a small green hue to guide her. As the color builds until it occupies each page we bear witness to her claiming her power.