‘DeadEndia,’ a graphic novel series by award-winning author and illustrator Hamish Steele, is set to hit Netflix in a new animated adaptation. The series will premiere in 2021 and is being produced by Blink Industries. The cast includes Zach Barack (‘Spider-Man: Far from Home’) as Barney, Kody Kavitha (‘Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’) as Norma, Emily Osment (‘Almost Family’) as Courtney, Alex Brightman (‘Beetlejuice The Musical’) as Pugsley, Clinton Leupp (aka Miss Coco Peru – ‘Will & Grace’) as Pauline Phoenix, Kenny Tran (‘Maybe Happy Ending’) as Logs, and Kathreen Khavari (‘Marvel Rising’) as Badyah.
DeadEndia is about terrifying demons, vengeful ghosts and mysterious magic. It is also about coming of age in a world that wasn’t made for you. It’s a drama about found family, identity and making mistakes. And of course it’s a laugh out loud comedy! I’ve always dreamed of making the show I needed as a lonely, horror-obsessed closeted gay kid and thanks to Netflix and our ridiculously talented, diverse and representative writers room and crew, we have shot way past my dreams and into wildest fantasy territory!
Hamish Steele
The series first began as animated short ‘Dead End’ (2014), and the first ‘DeadEndia’ graphic novel was published in 2018. The series follows Barney and Norma who work at a local haunted house and with the help of talking dog Pugsley and milleniary-aged demon Courtney battle the supernatural forces that reside there including zombies, demons, witches, and love.
The graphic novels have been lauded for capturing the growing pains of early adulthood of characters with a wide variety of identities and experiences including Barney, a transgender teen, and neurodiverse Norma.
Netflix, Blink Industries
Blink Industries is the London-based, BAFTA-nominated production studio of Blink Productions. They have previously worked on web series ‘Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared’ and the television series ‘The Amazing World of Gumball.’
Netflix is a global streaming service with a wide selection of television, movies, and documentaries. They have distributed various popular children’s shows including ‘She-Ra and the Princesses of Power’ and ‘The Dragon Prince.’