Legion of Super Heroes #7 (Review)

Jul 29, 2020

Mad Cave Studios


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Legion of Super Heroes #7
DC Comics

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Ryan Sook, Stephen Byrne and Wade Von Grawbadge
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Dave Sharpe


The Legion decides to crash a meeting of the United Planets and a change in leadership is called for.

Jon finds himself being dragged along to the headquarters of the United Planets to watch Cosmic Boy try to save face with General Nah and Rimbor. Unfortunately, his act is not received well and the only thing that can save the Legion politically is Superboy stepping in to speak to the President.

In the aftermath, the Legion returns to their base and the disaster prompts Saturn Girl to talk to Cosmic Boy about his leadership. A talk that drives the Legion to meet, discuss and vote on a new leader for the group.

There are a lot of attempts at humor in this issue, but its biggest problem is one that goes beyond this story. The story itself feels as mired in confusion as the Legion itself. It feels like a rudderless exercise in angst and seven issues in, I have no idea what direction this story is going in. It introduces a cast of characters that seems to have no purpose beyond shallow interpersonal conflicts and the shtick with everyone fighting each other has already gotten stale. I honestly don’t know what Bendis has in store for these characters or if there is a plan for them at all other than having them back in the continuity. The dialogue is weak, the characters are shallow and I felt like Jon watching a train wreck happening in front of me and not caring about the outcome.

Ryan Sook, Stephen Byrne and Wade Von Grawbadger do fine work with the art, but they are hampered by having very little to do. Nothing in the plot requires the visuals to be interesting or engaging so every scene breaks down to the group standing around looking at each other.

Score: 5.6