Daredevil #1: Marvel Comics Review

Jul 11, 2022

Mad Cave Studios


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Marvel has brought us back to the adventures of Matt Murdock in a new run of comics featuring Daredevil. In what is set to be Chip Zadarsky and Marco Checchetto’s last run of comics with the character, they waste no time diving into some thrilling action

Marvel Comics
Written by: Chip Zadarsky
Art by: Marco Checchetto
Colors by: Matthew Wilson
Letters by: VC’s Clayton Cowles

Jumping right into it

The writers of this series waste absolutely no time getting into the story. I am really going to try to stay away from spoilers in this review, because this entire comic should be experienced when you read it. Daredevil introduces “the future of Daredevil”, before shifting right over to Matt in the present day. We see him in a tense situation, which leads to a really awesome team up. This move right out of the gate allows for some character development from the get go, and provides fans of the broader MU one more thing to look forward to. For longtime fans of the series, it will feel like a good time with an old friend.

An emotional adventure

The main plot of this story is one that is packed with more emotion than I anticipated. That is not to say that Daredevil has been a shallow experience, but this issue really ran the gamut. There are bittersweet moments, ones that are outright tragic, and a little sprinkle of happiness. It also makes great use of flashforwards (or perhaps the entire story is a flashback), leaving there to be a lot of intrigue in both of the moments in time. Additionally, we are set up with another characters story toward the end. There is no doubt that it will be sure to entangle with Matt’s in short order.

Once again, Marvel nails the art style in this edition. Admittedly, I am usually a pretty big fan of Marvel’s comic book art. The art here is gritty, but also has a good amount of that colorful pop that brings life to these stories. I couldn’t imagine drawing a Daredevil story, but if I did, this is what I would hope it would look like.

A thrilling finish

If this issue is any indication, this run of Daredevil is going to be a great close for this version of Murdock’s adventures. The writers set up a great plot, and used every single one of this issues 34 pages effectively. Maybe you are a time honored fan of Daredevil or maybe this is the first comic book you have ever read. Either way, I highly recommend that you give Daredevil a read. It has me hooked, and I am looking forward to the next issue.

Looking for more comic book content? Go check out the latest episode of Geeks WorldWide Radio‘s TLDR podcast, where Joseph Gilmore and Nick Friar discuss comics weekly and talk to creators from the industry — available on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

For more on Daredevil, along with Chip Zdarsky’s other projects, including Batman and Newburn, check out his interview with TLDR.