OpenAI’s Superalignment Team: Safeguarding Against a Generative AI Skynet

Jul 6, 2023

OpenAI Creates ‘Superalignment’ Team to Safeguard Against a Generative AI Skynet

OpenAI Creates ‘Superalignment’ Team to Safeguard Against a Generative AI Skynet


OpenAI has formed a new team called Superalignment to focus on controlling advanced AI and ensuring its safety. The team, led by Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever, will work on developing guardrails to keep “superintelligent” AI systems aligned with human needs and prevent them from going rogue. OpenAI aims to find a technical solution to this challenge within four years.


OpenAI has allocated a significant portion of its computing power to the Superalignment team, which will be responsible for managing and safeguarding advanced AI systems. As AI continues to advance, OpenAI anticipates that it may surpass human intelligence within the next decade. To address the potential risks associated with superintelligent AI, the Superalignment team will focus on designing mechanisms to ensure AI remains aligned with human goals and values.

Main Points:

  • The Superalignment team at OpenAI, led by Ilya Sutskever, has been formed to address the challenges of controlling and aligning superintelligent AI systems with human intent.
  • Currently, existing techniques for aligning AI rely on human supervision, which may not be sufficient for managing highly advanced AI systems that surpass human intelligence.
  • The Superalignment team aims to develop technical solutions to effectively steer and control superintelligent AI, preventing it from going rogue or pursuing objectionable goals.
  • OpenAI plans to compile and train AI models based on human responses, allowing an AI mediator to evaluate other AI models for alignment with human preferences.
  • The Superalignment team will also collaborate with interdisciplinary experts to address sociotechnical concerns and consider broader human and societal implications.
  • OpenAI intends to share the outcomes of its efforts with the wider community and views contributing to the alignment and safety of non-OpenAI models as important.


OpenAI’s creation of the Superalignment team reflects its recognition of the need to proactively address the challenges posed by superintelligent AI. By dedicating significant computing power and assembling a team of experts, OpenAI aims to develop technical solutions that ensure AI systems remain aligned with human needs and values. The Superalignment team’s work is crucial in solving one of the most important technical problems of our time and will contribute to the safe and responsible development of AI.


OpenAI. “OpenAI Creates ‘Superalignment’ Team to Safeguard Against a Generative AI Skynet.” [Insert Date]. [Insert URL]