To The Point – Issue #6

Sep 5, 2012

For those of us that hate reading fluff, here are the highlights of what’s going on in the industry.

  • The big news of the week: Valve is joining the hardware battle. What does this really mean? Valve may create a new controller for PC games. I’m happy they’re not making another console.
  • Sony loves European gamers more. It’s true. European Vita owners: 100 PS One games available. US: 10ish.
  • Guild Wars 2 was released on the 28th of August. The day after my bday! We’ll have some insights from a level 20 player this Friday on Episode 49 of the GWW Podcast.
  • We’re shrinking! Or finding other interests. According to market research firm Gamer Segmentation 2012: The New Faces of Gamers, the number of American gamers has receded by 5% since 2011. Digital and mobile gaming segments have grown.

I’m out.

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