The Rise of eSports in the Arab World

Aug 28, 2023

Gaming has always been a competitive activity; however, eSports has taken the level of competitiveness that is experienced to new heights. This type of gaming has allowed the very best in the world to be able to create careers for themselves, where they are able to compete for prizes that can be worth thousands (if not millions)!

Naturally, the ability to play games professionally and potentially win large sums of cash has always been popular. The gambling industry is one such gaming activity that has always made this possible. Players can read a casino experts review of YYYCasino Arabic site and others now online, where they can find out everything they need to know before playing the games of their choice. Of course, there is no guarantee that wins can be made, but the bonus of being able to win cash prizes has only helped to enhance the overall entertainment that can be obtained.

The Arab World has become a hub for eSports

One region which eSports has perhaps appealed to gamers more than any other in recent years is across the Arab World. According to figures and studies to have been completed, it has been projected that more than 318 million people across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are expected to be playing eSports by 2025. 

This research has identified the region as one of the fastest rising on the planet, and the impressive figures do not stop there. It is believed that the total game audience (those simply watching their favorite content creators and gamers play) will surpass 640 million by 2025.

Why is the Arab World expected to be one of the fastest-growing markets for eSports?

There are a variety of factors and influences that help to highlight why recent studies and reports are suggesting the Arab World is likely to experience such a huge amount of growth over the next couple of years.

One of the biggest driving forces behind the projections and the impressive numbers is because of government involvement. Governments in the countries that make up the Middle East and the MENA regions are heavily invested in this sector. In Saudi Arabia, more than $3 billion had been invested by the Public Investment Fund (PIF) in 2022. This figure, though, only accounted for a small part of the $38 billion that had been committed to help increase the involvement and the Middle East’s eSports industry’s position in the global market.

Findings have also revealed that the demographics of the Middle East and MENA regions have played a role in helping them to become a burgeoning hub for the industry. According to studies, more than 60% of Saudi Arabia and UAE’s populations are gaming enthusiasts, and many of the other countries across the Arab World follow suit. This might have been impacted by the average age of the populations in these nations, with some boasting high population percentages of residents under the age of 30; an age in which gaming still appeals to so many.

More growth is expected to be achieved

Although the current predictions and projections are already significantly high – and based on an estimate of 14% annual growth of the current market – there are still some that believe that this figure could be considered to be a little conservative in places.

Factors such as higher disposable incomes, which can lead to higher spending by players, as well as additional support from government initiatives and the emergence of new gaming companies and players, can all still be experienced in the future, thus potentially helping grow and expand the eSports market in this region further.

Technological innovation can also play a role in helping to make the eSports industry in the Middle East and MENA grow even further. Gamers continue to demand realistic and immersive experiences, and tech such as virtual reality and augmented reality headsets can play a pivotal role in helping to meet these player demands. If these gadgets can be made available more widely and games can incorporate them sooner than later, then there is every chance that the industry could grow at a greater rate than the 14% that has been predicted.

Given the demographics of the region and how lucrative gaming has become, there are opportunities for companies to capitalize on the growth of eSports in several other ways. Some may look to use its growth in a positive way by creating charity projects that incorporate the industry, thus encouraging more to play because of the good that can be achieved.

Final Thoughts

The rise of eSports to have already been experienced across the Arab World has been nothing short of remarkable. With projections expecting even further growth, it is a region that needs to be watched closely. The Arab World could help to take the industry to new heights that benefit everyone with the investment that has been put in, and with technology continuing to develop, who knows what the future of this industry is.