“Discover New TV Shows and Movies with Tubi’s Rabbit AI Chatbot”

Sep 27, 2023


Tubi, a streaming service owned by Fox, is testing Rabbit AI, a new generative AI mobile feature that uses OpenAI’s GPT-4 model to recommend TV shows and movies to viewers. Rabbit AI acts as a chatbot, providing answers to content-related questions and helping users discover new content on Tubi. The AI is designed to understand casual language and provide recommendations based on contextual meaning, rather than just keywords. It can handle broad and indirect queries and allows users to save suggestions to their queue.


Tubi has introduced Rabbit AI, a new feature that leverages OpenAI’s GPT-4 model to enhance content discovery on its streaming service. By acting as a chatbot, Rabbit AI provides personalized recommendations and answers to user queries about TV shows and movies. The AI is designed to understand natural language and offer relevant suggestions based on the user’s interests and preferences. With its large library of 200,000 films and TV shows, Tubi aims to make the content discovery experience more convenient and enjoyable for its viewers.

Main Points

  • Rabbit AI is a generative AI mobile feature being tested by Tubi, a streaming service owned by Fox.
  • It uses OpenAI’s GPT-4 model to provide answers and recommendations in a conversational format.
  • The AI is designed to understand casual language and offer suggestions based on contextual meaning, not just keywords.
  • Users can save recommended movies and shows to their queue and revisit prior AI recommendations.
  • As engagement data accumulates, Tubi plans to refine and expand personalized content hubs on each user’s home screen.
  • Rabbit AI aims to enhance Tubi’s existing personalization options and make content discovery more enjoyable for viewers.
  • Generative AI is gaining traction in the TV industry, with other shows and content creators exploring its capabilities.


Tubi is testing Rabbit AI, a chatbot powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 model, to improve content discovery on its streaming service. The AI offers personalized recommendations and answers to user queries about TV shows and movies. With its understanding of casual language and contextual meaning, Rabbit AI aims to make content discovery more convenient and enjoyable for Tubi’s viewers. As the rollout continues and more engagement data is collected, Tubi plans to refine and expand personalized content hubs for each user. The use of generative AI in the TV industry is growing, with other shows and content creators exploring its capabilities.