Carl the Collector: Everything About the New PBS Kids Show

Oct 21, 2024

Carl the Collector: A Fun and Inclusive PBS Kids Series

Carl the Collector is an upcoming animated series set to premiere on PBS Kids in November 2024. The show follows Carl, a young boy with a passion for collecting different items, like toys and games. 

Through his adventures, Carl learns valuable lessons about friendship, creativity, and inclusion. The series is designed to entertain young viewers while teaching important life skills in a fun and engaging way.

About Carl the Collector

PBS Kids shows colorful collection items including watches and jars with toys.

Photo Credit: PBS Kids

Carl the Collector is an animated series centered on Carl, a warm-hearted autistic raccoon with a laser-focused pursuit of collecting various items. His extensive collections, like his fake mustache collection, lead to everyday adventures that offer important life lessons.

The show introduces neurotypical and neurodiverse characters, promoting inclusion while solving problems in Carl’s distinctive way.

Carl’s Adventures

  • Carl’s collections spark new challenges and teach life lessons.
  • His friends, including twin bunny sisters, help along the way.
  • Addressing issues like tree nut allergy adds depth to the stories.

What to Expect

  • Fun, educational adventures.
  • Heartwarming interactions with Carl’s friends and his problem-solving skills.

About the Cast

Carl, the raccoon, standing in his room full of organized collections.

Photo Credit: PBS Kids

The cast of Carl the Collector features talented voice actors, representing both neurotypical and neurodiverse backgrounds, ensuring authenticity in portraying diverse characters.

Cast Members

  • Carl: The main character, a warm-hearted autistic raccoon with a passion for collecting.
  • Nico and Arugula: Carl’s close friends who often join him in his adventures.
  • Sheldon: Another friend, known for his quirky personality and supportive role.
  • Lotta: One of Carl’s twin bunny sisters, always there to help.
  • Forrest: A recurring character who assists Carl in his collections and problem-solving.

Production Team

Where Can I Watch Carl the Collector?

Carl the raccoon talking to a beaver friend while organizing collectibles.

Photo Credit: PBS Kids

You can watch Carl the Collectoron PBS Kids, available through their website and app. This ensures easy access to episodes on just about every occasion.

PBS Kids Website

  • Full episodes available after the premiere.
  • Bonus content, including behind-the-scenes videos.

PBS Kids App

  • Stream on iOS and Android.
  • Download episodes for offline viewing.

Who Is the Autistic Character in PBS Kids?

Carl the raccoon and his bunny friend sharing a moment under the stars.

Photo Credit: PBS Kids

Carl, the main character in Carl the Collector, is an autistic raccoon with a laser focus pursuit of collecting. His different traits, including his unique learning preferences, are central to how he approaches life.

The show features neurotypical writers who ensure Carl’s everyday adventures reflect realistic and inclusive representation, showing there’s no right or wrong way to engage with the world.

Carl’s Traits

  • Carl collects items like soft plushies and bottle caps.
  • He solves problems using his collections and with the help of his friends.


  • The show features both neurotypical writers and diverse voice talent to authentically portray the characters.

What Is Carl the Collector Based On?

Carl the Collector is inspired by the love children have for collecting items, like pet rocks and bottle caps. The show follows Carl’s everyday adventures, where his collections become tools for solving problems. With his laser focus pursuit, Carl shows viewers there isn’t a right or wrong way to explore their interests.


  • Carl’s collections, like soft plushies, are key to his problem-solving.
  • His unique ideas come from his distinct learning preferences and traits.

Educational Purpose

  • Promotes acceptance of different traits and learning styles.
  • Encourages kids to embrace their unique way of solving problems.

Is Carl the Collector on Any Streaming Service?

Yes, Carl the Collector is available on PBS Kids’ website and app, produced by Fuzzytown Productions. The show’s diverse voice talent and engaging stories are available for streaming, offering virtually everything young viewers need for entertainment and learning.

PBS Kids Streaming

  • Full episodes available on the PBS Kids app.
  • Access to Carl’s adventures on virtually any device.


  • Stream anytime on PBS Kids platforms, with bonus content.

Final Thoughts

Carl the Collector is a delightful and educational series that showcases Carl, an autistic raccoon, and his laser focus pursuit of collecting. Produced by Fuzzytown Productions, the show balances entertainment and learning by featuring Carl’s everyday adventures, where he solves problems using his unique collections, such as soft plushies and fake mustaches.

The inclusion of neurotypical and neurodiverse characters ensures diverse representation, emphasizing that there is no right or wrong way to approach life.

Summary of Key Points

  • Carl’s adventures focus on problem-solving with his collections.
  • The show promotes inclusion of neurotypical and neurodiverse characters.
  • Fuzzytown Productions and a talented voice cast create authentic experiences.

Watch Carl the Collector on PBS Kids and follow Carl’s fun adventures as he and his friends tackle everyday challenges in a unique, engaging way!


Where can I watch Carl the Collector?

You can watch it on PBS Kids and stream it on the PBS Kids website and app.

Is Carl the Collector available on streaming platforms?

Yes, it’s available on the PBS Kids app and website.

Who is Carl in Carl the Collector?

Carl is a young boy with a love for collecting various items.

What are the main themes in Carl the Collector?

Friendship, curiosity, and creative problem-solving.

When does Carl the Collector premiere?

The series premieres on November 14, 2024.