Games Podcast 192 | Wowed by Umbra: An interview with Daniel Dolui

Jun 10, 2015

Before you listen to the podcast, go watch the Umbra  Kickstarter video here!

This week Mikhail and Erin sit down with SolarFall Game’s lead developer Daniel Dolui and talk about their fully-funded Kickstarter project, Umbra. This game is still available to back until 3pm CDT on Sunday June 14, so if you like what you hear, we recommend you go tell them so with your wallet.

Daniel confirmed that all Kickstarter exclusive content will always and only be for Kickstarter backers, so if you’ve just got to have custom armor for your dog or your name on a mini-boss (ahem…Mikhail), go to their Kickstarter page before the deadline and watch the videos!

For more information, visit the developer’s webpage at