Depravity At Its Best in “Airboy #2” (Review)

Jul 1, 2015

Mad Cave Studios


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airboy 2 cover (342x520)Airboy #2
Image Comics

Written by: James Robinson
Art by: Greg Hinkle

Airboy continues its march through depravity and Robinson’s pain in issue #2. James Robinson is doing something really special with Airboy, blending real life with comic book fantasy in a truthful and often shocking journey through his battle with writers block and self-loathing. Issue 2 only amps up the insanity of the first issue as our creators have come face to face with their muse in what they think is a shared hallucination after a death defying night of drugs and booze. The two come to realize that maybe Airboy isn’t the fantasy they think he is.

Robinson’s Airboy #2 is immensely entertaining, squeamishly graphic and a comic I will read overairboy 2-2 and over again. How can you not love a story in which a golden age superhero eats a pot brownie and gets a blowjob from a transsexual? This comic may offend some but for me it truly is a beautiful glimpse into the mind of a mad man. This vision is only made clearer by Hinkle’s art as his gritty, expression heavy style really brings the psychedelic nature of this tale to life. Another highlight in Hinkle’s art is his coloring and contrast as our creators are often draped in depressing dull colors, while Airboy is bright and bold. This really sells Airboy’s tone and will force you to feel the mood change as the color does.

Airboy #2 is more welcomed debauchery from Robinson and Hinkle. This comic is quickly becoming a must read for any aspiring writer as it outlines the struggles we will all eventually face when trying to put pen to paper. Robinson and Hinkle are crafting their opus and while it’s just getting started I can’t wait to see how it ends.