Chris Pirri’s Top 30 Horror Movies: #16 Saw (2004)

Oct 22, 2015

It’s October and that means Halloween is almost here. In honor of my favorite holiday of the year I give to you my top thirty horror movies. Now some of these films might be on every list, but some might not. I might even have a film or two that you have never heard of. Just remember this is my top thirty. In other words these films made me cringe or just sent chills up my spine. So with no further ado here is my list.

# 16
Saw (2004)
Directed by: James Wan

saw poster

This is another film on my list that you will either love or hate. I don’t understand how anyone could not like it but I guess I don’t really care because I do. This is a horror film that can also fall into the mystery genre as well. Picture in your mind a great Agatha Christie movie. Instead of Miss. Marple we have The Jigsaw Killer. Now add in lots of blood and some very interesting traps or should I say killing devices and you have Saw.


The film starts off right away with two people trapped in a room with a dead body in the center of the floor.

The horror begins when two people are chained up and neither of them have any clue why they are in this room or how they got here. Through a series of flashbacks we see that these two men have skeletons in their closet. The good news is the killer likes to play games. If you can accomplish the goal provided by Jigsaw you may move on with your life. The ending of this movie will leave you breathless and the mystery is wrapped up in gruesome fashion.


I love the ending of this film. I own this movie and all its sequels. It is just one great story that continues all the way to Saw VII. If you like to see people die in just bizarre ways then this movie is right up your alley.

Live or die make your choice!

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