Marvel Announces Divided We Stand coming Fall 2016

Jun 30, 2016

Mad Cave Studios


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Throughout the last couple of weeks, Marvel has revealed individual teasers showing off some of the characters to be featured in the upcoming Divided We Stand push. Earlier today, Marvel Comics revealed a much larger image featuring the entire line-up created by Mike Deodato.

On the left side we have Doctor Doom with Iron Man’s Helmet, Solo, Jessica Jones, Captain Marvel, Elektra, Thor, Steve Rogers, Black Panther, Slapstick, Gamora, Foolkiller and a giant reptile-like foot. Possibly, Fing Fang Foom?

And on the right side, there’s Riri sporting War Machine type-of-armor, Wasp, Miss America, Gwenpool, Mosaic, Prowler, Moon Girl, Squirrel Girl, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Ms Marvel, The Hulk and Hawkeye.

On the subject of the new announcement, Editor-in-Chief, Axel Alonso went on to say,

“This is not an event. It’s the status quo of the Marvel Universe in the aftermath of the war. It’s a glimpse as to whom we can point to in the coming year, with just enough ‘What the heck’s going on there’ spots to get people speculating. ‘There’s no Tony Stark in that picture, but who’s that guy holding the helmet? Is that Doctor Doom?’ ‘The young girl in the gray armor looks a lot like the new War Machine.'”

It appears Marvel has also brought many secondary and lesser known characters to Marvel’s forefront. On the subject, Alonso stated,

“They’re all there because they matter. They’ll either be in a solo series, or they’ll be a key member of a team, or they’ll do something that you will be talking about in a Marvel book that will bring them into a position of prominence. They’re there for a reason. Including that big, big, big what appears to be a Godzilla foot.”

Civil War II #3 and Marvel Now! Previews Magazine hits shelves on the same day, July 13th, with Marvel NOW! kicking off this fall.

“It all starts this Fall as the Marvel Universe charges forward into an ambitious new direction. As the industry’s top creators and hottest up-and-coming voices leave their mark on the world’s top Super Heroes, get ready for the most exciting and energetic comics on the stands! Prepare for all-new ongoing series, Earth-shattering status quo shifts, and an exciting new era of Marvel comics!”
