Today it was revealed by The Wrap that ABC and Marvel will be working together to create their own half-hour “work place comedy” Damage Control set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However it won’t be based on any hero from the MCU but the workers who have to clean-up the messes after their giant battles ensue. Modern Family’s and The Daily Show producer Ben Karlin along with Marvel TV Head Jeph Loeb will showrun this project.:
Specializing in dealing with the aftermath of the unique fallout from super hero conflicts, they’re the ones who are in charge of returning lost ray guns to their rightful owners, help to reschedule a wedding venue after it has been vaporized in a super hero battle, or even track down a missing prize African parrot that’s been turned to stone or goo.
Last month it was revealed that DC Comics was also working on their own “work place comedy” Powerless that takes place at a insurance company in the DC Universe. However unlike Marvel; DC isn’t going to allow their big named heroes to appear on TV. However with Marvel so obsessed with “everything being connected” it won’t be that hard a stretch to get characters from their TV Shows Agents of S.HI.E.L.D or Netflix shows to appear on Damage Control. Marvels big named actors like Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark most likely wouldn’t appear on Damage Control however.