Zack Snyder Wants To Make A Mindless Action Film Based On George Washington

Mar 2, 2016

Zack Snyder is steamrolling ahead with Justice League Part 1 as it starts production in April. It remains to be seen if he’ll end-up directing Justice League Part 2 as well, but there might be another project on the horizon.

While speaking with Bloomberg Business (via ThePlaylist), Zack revealed he’s considering a feature film based on George Washington during the American Revolution. Going even further by alluding that 300 could inspire the look, and possibly foreshadowing it becoming a really dumbed-down action film.

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“We were talking about it. The first thing we asked was, well, how are we going to make it look? I pointed at this painting [of Washington crossing the Delaware River]. It looks like ‘300.’ It’s not that hard,” he said.

Washington is the greatest figure in American history and having his story diluted into a big dumb action movie sounds like a terrible idea.I get the impression most of Snyder’s “ideas” come from playing video games, and likely might be just playing a little too much Assassin’s Creed lately.