Amy Adams Confirms ‘Man of Steel’ Sequel Is In Development

Nov 5, 2016

Back in August The Wrap reported that Warner Bros were moving into active development on a Man of Steel sequel.

Even though the project is in the early stage of development, fans are excited for another Superman solo adventure starring Henry Cavill and co.

There’s been no official word from the studio surrounding Man of Steel 2 (Man of Tomorrow?), probably due to it being a few years from release, that or their waiting for next year’s San Diego Comic-Con.

During a recent press junket for her upcoming movie Arrival, actress Amy Adams who plays Lois Lane in the DC Extended Universe confirmed that Warner Bros were working on a script for Man of Steel 2.

Like us, Adams heard that the studio were getting things in shape for Man of Steel 2 when the news broke this summer.

Speaking with Hey U Guys she said:

“I read about Man of Steel 2 when you guys did. A lot of times I find out sort of after the fact, which is fine. It’s completely normal. That’s not indicative of anything, but yeah. I know they are working on a script, and I know that it’s in the works, apparently. Yeah.”

Watch the full interview below:

That’s as official as it gets folks, we are finally getting a true Man of Steel sequel.