A New Dungeon Crawler… just a few steps away

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Greetings warriors and mystic adepts, Torchlight II(PC) is right around the corner and we need to get ready for another battle in the beautifully crafted world Runic Games has created. Several updates and improvements have been made over their first installment 3 years ago in October. Torchlight is an RPG combining dungeon crawling, loot, fluid and flashy combat and the struggle against hordes of enemies while in search of the elusive magical stones known as “embers”. No release date is confirmed yet, but it is slated to be released at the later part of this year. I would suspect (am just guessing), October or November 12′ for a likely release period.

Four new classes grace the screen, better skill/ability trees and keyboard customizability make it easier to navigate the open game world and explore numerous locales other than just the city of Torchlight from the original game. Game+ features a new difficulty for your hero, which includes a chance for you to play through the game again and again all while keeping your hard earned accomplishments and gear. Check out their website for updates, news, media and more information to satiate your curiosity.

Currently you can pre-order this game through Steam or Perfect World Entertainment. If you purchase through Steam and pre-order you get a free copy of the original Torchlight as well as Torchlight II. ($19.99). There is also an option to pre-order a (4) pack which includes 4 keys for a fraction of the price. ($59.99) <–(thats $15 each for you and 3 friends)

Support Runic Games, play Torchlight, we’ll see you there! After all, it is multiplayer!!

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