Ant-Man #5 (Review)

Jun 17, 2020

Mad Cave Studios


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Ant-Man #5 
Marvel Comics

Written by: Zeb Wells
Art by: Dylan Burnett 
Letters by: Corey Petit


The challenge with any comic issue that is packed with action is ensuring it has enough legitimate story-telling to make it compelling. Luckily for Ant-Man #5, they plant enough seeds in the father-daughter relationship between Scott and Cassie Lang that makes the action feel justified. 

The issue features Cassie as the head-strong protagonist heading into a battle she is clearly not ready for nor wants to be. Meanwhile, Scott is accompanied by an ally that goes by the name of Ve’Trock The Betrayed. 

The dichotomy between their relationship is brilliantly portrayed in this issue by Wells as Scott inexplicably takes the unorthodox approach to solving the massive threat that is Crematrix while Cassie wants to face him head on. While Crematrix beats on Cassie, Scott with his newfound friends of Ve’Trock’s friends provides the necessary backup she needs. 

What saves this issue is the father-daughter banter that occurs during the climatic battle between Cassie and Scott. It feels like something that is ripped straight out of a 90s comedy movie in all the best ways. Despite all of the world-changing implications facing them, they still manage to maintain the levity that a reader expects from an Ant-Man comic. 

This issue hits on two key parts to ensuring an Ant-Man comic has the feeling it is aiming for. The first off is certain art feel like they belong in a Dr. Strange comic rather than an Ant-Man one. With any story as ridiculous as the ones that Ant-Man will demand, the type of “out-there” storytelling visually is important in making you buy into the world in which the story is taking place in. 

The second key thing Ant-Man #5 hits on is the comedy beats that is to be expected from the combination of Cassie and Scott. Their banter during the ultimate battle is something that feels like it’s ripped straight out of a comedy movie. This also addresses the more serious topics of the issue like Scott’s constant desire to make his daughter proud and look up to him while she simply see’s herself as an equal whether that is earned or not. 

Ultimately, Ant-Man #5 is filled with action that while it could be construed as gratuitous, serves as a good plot device to provide quality comedy between the father and daughter combo.