“Anthropic Unveils Claude 2: The Next Generation Chatbot with Enhanced Skills and Performance”

Jul 12, 2023


Generative AI startup Anthropic has released Claude 2, an upgraded version of its chatbot that aims to address issues faced by other generative AI chatbots. Anthropic claims that Claude 2 has improved logic, math, and programming skills compared to its predecessor, Claude 1.3. The new chatbot is accessible in beta on the web and through a limited API, and Anthropic encourages clients to explore its features.


Anthropic has released an updated version of its generative AI chatbot, named Claude 2. The company claims that Claude 2 improves upon the logic, math, and programming skills of its predecessor, Claude 1.3. The chatbot is now available in beta on the web and through a limited API, and clients like Jasper are encouraged to try out its features.

Main Points

– Claude 2 was designed to address issues faced by other generative AI chatbots, such as incorrect answers and tangential conversations.
– Test results show that Claude 2 has improved performance compared to Claude 1.3. It scores above the 90th percentile on the GRE’s reading and writing tests, shows a 2.8% improvement when solving grade-school math problems, and scores higher on the bar exam’s multiple-choice section.
– Claude 2 also performs better on the Python coding test Codex HumanEval, jumping from 56% to 71.2%.
– Anthropic describes Claude 2 as a friendly and enthusiastic colleague or personal assistant that can be instructed in natural language to help with various tasks.
– The chatbot is currently available in the US and UK, with plans to make it more globally available in the future.


Anthropic has launched Claude 2, an upgraded version of its generative AI chatbot. The new chatbot aims to improve upon the issues faced by other chatbots and has shown improved performance in tests. Claude 2 is accessible in beta on the web and through a limited API, and Anthropic encourages users to explore its features.