
Sorcery! Review

Full disclosure: GWW was given a copy of the game for review purposes Growing up I’ve always wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons.  It’s always appealed to me, but I’ve never had friends that were into it, and now that I’m an adult with adult responsibilities, I don’t...

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The Division Beta Impressions

You are flying over the streets of New York. Orders are being barked at you by an angry Asian woman that has been shot in the face, her respirator mask sits behind you with a fresh bullet hole. You stare on in silence, from this moment on you decide you’ll let your...

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Atari Classic Bundle Announced

Atari has announced it will be releasing a bundle of 100 classic Atari Games to Steam later this spring. The bundle will include games such as: Asteroids, Centipede, Missile Command, Tempest and Warlords. In addition to the announced games, the bundle will feature...

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The Walking Dead FPS Delayed

If you didn’t know, Overkill, the developers of Payday and Payday 2, are working on a The Walking Dead FPS based on The Walking Dead comics.  Originally announced in 2014, yeah it’s been a while, the release of the game has been pushed back into the second half of...

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The Psychology of Minecraft

I remember years ago when I heard of a little game called Minecraft. At this point in time it was not released, but was still in beta and available for purchase. My friends had all gotten in and were creating a world together. Looking at screenshots of the game and...

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Firaxis Humble Bundle

I promise I’m not going to report on every bundle Humble does, but this is a really good one. Currently, Humble is running a Firaxis bundle. If you’re unware of what Firaxis develops, it’s essentially the modern reboot of XCOM and Civilization. Here is the breakdown...

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Hitman Goes Episodic

I’m a big fan of the Hitman franchise. I played the first game back in high school when it originally came out, and have played every one of them since. Even the crappy one titled Hitman: Contracts, which is impossible to find. I’m concerned about the newest addition...

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Image Charity Bundle

If you’re a PC gamer, you may have heard of Humble Bundle -- an organization which sells video game bundles for charity. You may not know that they do other charity bundles like comics. There is a particularly good bundle running right now featuring Image. Here is the...

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The Approaching VR War

When I play games, I don’t want to deal with people. Putting on headphones and tuning out the world is just part of the experience for me. Needless to say, I’m very excited about the prospects of VR. I’ve heard people complain about not wanting to be detached from...

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