Legend of Grimrock breathes new life into an old genre. It’s fun and has plenty of replay value. The future capabilities are great as well. Moders can create new dungeons, characters, and items. For $14.99, this is a steal.
Tech Adventure
We Want to Hear From You!
Have we ever mentioned how much we love CCGs? Well we do! And we are so excited GWW is leading the charge in Portland to match players together and hopefully create some new friendships. To help move this forward, we are looking for 1 or 2 new contributors to be part...
Diablo 3 Beta: Quick Look
As I sat down at my desk to play the Diablo 3 beta, I took a moment to reflect. Many of things have changed in my life since Diablo II was released. I finished college, got married, bought a house, and nearly doubled in age. The fact is, life for me is completely...
Review: Army Corps of Hell
The second game I've experienced on the Vita is Army Corps of Hell. A pretty game that is unique in many ways. It's part castle-defense, part action-strategy. For those who love over-the-top games and techno/metal music, Army Corps of Hell was made for you. Hopefully...
Review: The Darkness II
I don't know where to begin. The Darkness II is fun to play, the story isn't too off-the-wall, and it looks good. But something is missing. It's not easy to put my finger on. During my various play sessions I was not compelled to continue playing. I didn't think about...