Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

FFXIV Updates/News:  A shallow look at what was a deep seeded problem! Obviously developers and game design want to keep the best secrets to themselves but recently they have released information on various aspects familiar to the MMO world, it’s fans and some painstakingly missing from their 1st try, back in 2010. Currently the game… Continue reading Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Next Generation: Gamers Evolving

Click here to read about how psychological triggers have evolved with us gamers to form stronger attachments and maybe even mild addictive behavior in just about anyone willing to play!

MMO: Pay 2 Play?

Recently I stumbled on yet another article speaking on subscription based games… and I am not going to bother listing them because we all know which ones are still relevant and currently in the hunt, albeit very few from a few years ago. Joe has always been kind enough to research sale figures and give… Continue reading MMO: Pay 2 Play?

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