Nick Williams

NERD THOUGHTS: The Horror Film Genre Needs a Revamp

NERD THOUGHTS: The Horror Film Genre Needs a Revamp

Generic horror film plot: A young individual moving to/visiting a small woodland and closed off area of America to stay with some family member that they have a rocky relationship with,  meet a man or a woman who the fall head over heels for, and start to slowly but...

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NERD THOUGHTS: Why Films Need Better Viral Marketing Campaigns

NERD THOUGHTS: Why Films Need Better Viral Marketing Campaigns

In this century (the 21st century *Pushes up glasses*), social media outlets pop up on a regular basis. If it's not Facebook, it's Twitter. Not a Tumblr fan? Ok maybe you should try Pinterest. Don't like Instagram? Vine's for you. But do the films that get released at...

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