Batman Beyond: Neo-Year #1: DC Comics Review

Apr 4, 2022

Mad Cave Studios


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Batman Beyond #1 main cover

It’s going to be a strong year for Terry McGinnis. He returned in Sean Murphy’s Batman: Beyond The White Knight (you can read the review from GWW right here). Terry is back, Bruce is gone. Batman lives on, Batman endures. Batman Beyond: Neo Year is the look into whether Gotham needs a Batman. We’ve seen it time and time again, but this time its Terrys turn to answer the question. Neo Year is a bright and refreshing look at the under belly of the future of Gotham City.

DC Comics
Written By: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Art By: Max Dunbar
Colors By: Sebastian Cheng
Release Date: April 5,2022


To know what’s happening to the fullest extent. Readers should check out Batman: Urban Legends #7. Where is Bruce? What is Neo Gotham? It’s not mandatory but definitely helpful. Once you’re all caught up the ease of read for Neo Year is high. Lanzing and Kelly write Terry to perfection. The dialogue has the futuristic tone to it that made the Batman Beyond animated show so much fun.

The story moves at a brisk pace and never lets off the adrenaline button. Really never. The final page will leave you wanting more and sets up the Neo Year story going forward. There is a sense of mystery throughout the story and first issue that I wont spoil. It is confusing at times but with more time spent in this future, all will become clear.


The future is bright. Terry has never looked better. The Beyond suit has never been more beautiful. Neo Year #1 has the neon pallet of the future of Gotham city but also the black and grays of the Gotham of old.

Character designs are spot on. With nodes to the Batman Beyond animated show, but also fresh and new for the uninitiated. Terry, Barbara and others all look outstanding. Dunbar on pencils and Cheng on colors, if you only read one Batman book for the visuals, this is the one to read.

Overall Enjoyment

I’ve always enjoyed a Bruce-less Batman. Whether it be Damien or Dick. I like that Batman the symbol, can be anyone. Having Terry take up the mantle in the far future on the pages of DC was great. The first issue of Neo Year is fresh and at times bold. It’s one of the best looking Batman books of late and should be put on your pull list if you’re looking for something extra with Batman. The year of Batman beyond is off to a great start.

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