Batman: Urban Legends #5 (REVIEW)

Jul 12, 2021

Mad Cave Studios


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Batman: Urban Legends #5
DC Comics

Written by: Chip Zdarsky; Marguerite Bennett; Meghan Fitsmartin; Matthew Rosenberg
Art by: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira & Diogenes Neves, with Marcu To; Sweeney Boo; Belen Ortega; Ryan Benjamin
Colors by: Adriano Lucas; Marissa Louise; Aleandro Sanchez; Antonio Fabela
Letters by: Becca Carey; Pat Brosseau; Saida Temofonte

When you think about the difference between all of Batman’s Robins, Jason Todd stands out as the misfit who’ll fight back in a more irrational manner than anyone. That’s a big reason why I was drawn to Red Hood in the first place. But as we look at the character more and more, it’s also become extremely clear he’s also the worst detective of the Robins. It’s not even close. Yet, Chip Zdarsky puts Jason in a position where he has to play detective in Batman: Urban Legends #5. I think it’s a nice pivot from Zdarsky after the character made a really dumb decision to get Batman the pickle he’s currently in.

Along with the final chapter of Matthew Rosenberg’s Grifter story — which has a glorious ending — we get a Batgirls story from Marguerite Bennett and the second chapter of Meghan Fitsmartin’s Tim Drake (speaking of the best detective of the Robins). I’m here for anything Cassandra Cain-related, but someone else stole the show in Bennett’s story. As for the Robin story, it feels like Fitsmartin has something big planned — something that should draw the attention of many, if not all comic book fans.

(WARNING: Spoilers for Batman: Urban Legends #5 ahead.)

The setup for two finales we’re set to get in Batman: Urban Legends #6 have been great. Specifically, the Red Hood story has me on the edge of my seat with the problem Batman is facing. I’m also very excited to learn more about the mysterious woman from Bennett’s Batgirls story elsewhere in the future.

But the big news in Batman: Urban Legends #5 is the Grifter finale. Rosenberg had been building up to the big reveal, and now it seems we’ll get some more Grifter moving forward — along with a few other characters he’s dealt with in the past. I jue hope DC keep the character under Rosenberg and Ryan Benjamin’s watch.

Score: 9

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