Become A Super Spy with Geekout Your Workout’s Black Widow Cardio Workout.

May 28, 2016

Mad Cave Studios


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Geekout Your Workout’s
Black Widow Cardio WOrkout
Inspired by: Captain America: Civil War

Your Work:
10 exercises.
50 seconds of work/ 10 seconds of rest

What do I need?
Yourself, this video and water.

How many time should I do this video?
n0ob’s: 2-3 x’s
Teen Titans: 4 x’s
Workout Superheros/ Black Widows: 5 x’s

Where can you get what am I wearing?
Ironman workout wear by Marvel and Her Universe sold at Khol’s:…

Find Me HERE
YouTube: /GeekoutYourWorkout /NatalieAtkins
Facebook: /GeekoutYourWorkout /OfficialNatalieAtkins
Twitter: /GeekoutYourWorkout /PrincessNatkins
Instagram: /PrincessNatkins
Nike +: Natalie Atkins

Consult your doctor before starting an exercise program. Stop if you feel pain or dizziness.

Natalie OUT!