Blackout #2 Review (Dark Horse)

Apr 29, 2014

Mad Cave Studios


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Blackout #224173

Written by: Frank Barbiere

Art by: Colin Lorimer

The Project Black Sky world building continues at Dark Horse Comics with another great fun title in Blackout. Issue two titled “Into the Dark Part Two” has Scott Travers trying to figure out the suit that allows him to escape to another dimension and back. All the while being chased by others with an interest in the suit. Travers’ inner dialogue and enthusiasm for his new found powers is reminiscent of Peter Parker. Frank Barbiere writes a fluid action thriller and Colin Lorimer’s pencils are fairly detailed and expressive. Another fine addition to Dark Horses meta master plan full of mystery and action.

The added feature “King Tiger” by Randy Stradley and Doug Wheatley is an intriguing story of a former Army Ranger Milo Sturges possessed by a demon that has a ton of potential. The short but expository vignette sets the stage for more mysticism and supernatural action while introducing the characters.