‘Blade’ Film is looking to add two Black female roles

Mar 4, 2021

The Blade film from Marvel Studios appears to be ramping up as POC Culture reports the studio is looking to cast two black female roles for the upcoming project.

The information likely comes from a casting grid and the character descriptions are as follows.

Betsy – 20 to 35 year old Black/African-American female. Described as an aspiring heroine, and they are looking for someone with “strong comedy skills’

Lucy – 20s to 30s Black/African-American female. She is described as tough and on the run after the death of her mother under “mysterious circumstances,” and is living off the grid.

While the names maybe of no consequence the descriptions often provide the most clues. Some have speculated one of these roles could be for Blade’s estranged daughter Fallon Grey, but there is no definitive information to support this theory at this time.

Hopefully more information comes out soon as the film begins to head in production sooner than expected with reports claiming it could start shooting later this year, possibly in September.

Source: POC Culture