Caeron Cosplay gets Mystical with her Inspired Art

Oct 29, 2014

Mad Cave Studios


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Name: Caeron Cosplay

City: Calgary, Alberta



Photographer(s): SeyeCO Images and Triple J Revealed Imagery

What was your first Cosplay Experience?
Visited the Calgary Comic and Entertainment in 2010 and saw all of the amazing cosplayers there. I immediately thought this is what I want to do. Always loved dressing up for Halloween, and now I had an excuse to do it more often.

How long have you been Cosplaying?
2011 was the first year I went to a convention in costume, but I didn’t really start building costumes until 2012. My first cosplay was Catwoman, which was mainly an amalgamation of a bunch of eBay purchases and things from around the house. The Stormrage Druid from World of Warcraft was my first main build and involved my mom and I sewing countless leaves to a dress while watching TV. It constantly gets tweaked and improved upon and is my little ongoing and never-ending project.

Who or What inspired you to take up Cosplaying?
After loving cosplay at the Calgary Expo, I browsed the internet for some inspiration and immediately came across Kamui Cosplay. Her druids, and my love of druids, is what inspired my first major costume and to take up cosplaying as a hobby.

If you had to pick a favorite Cosplay you have worn or seen someone else wear, what would it be?
My favourite would be my Stormrage Druid, which was inspired by my favourite costumes of Kamui Cosplay; her druids! The druid is my never-ending project, and so much time and effort has gone into its creation. It is also the embodiment of my World of Warcraft character. It holds a special place in my heart for so many reasons and will probably always be my favourite.

If you had unlimited funds and resources, what Cosplay would you create?
Another druid; most likely Tier 5. One of my favourites for its simple beauty! If it isn’t apparent yet, I really like druids 😛 I have a couple more on the list after Tier 5!

What advice would you offer others who are aspiring Cosplayers?
Just do it! Start small, start large, just start somewhere and keep at it. There are now unlimited resources and tutorials on the web, so you always have some help if you need it. Make sure you have a passion for whatever you choose to cosplay, or I find it’s easier to get discouraged and stop.

To learn more about Caeron feel free to follow on Twitter: @CaeronCosplay or her on Facebook:

 If you or someone you know would like to have a gallery featured on Geeks With Wives, please email Casey at!