Captain Christopher Pike cast for Season 2 of Star Trek: Discovery

Apr 12, 2018

At the end of the first season of the breakout hit series Star Trek: Discovery, the crew were left facing the flagship of the Federation fleet; the USS Enterprise and being hailed by the ship’s captain.


For those of us waiting in suspense for what will happen in the second season, CBS has announced who will be taking on the role of Captain of the Enterprise.


Inhumans star Anson Mount will be taking the Enterprise Captain Christopher Pike in the second season of Discovery. Mount played the Inhuman king Black Bolt in the first season of the Marvel series on ABC and it looks like his casting on Discovery might be the best indication we can hope for about the fate of that series.


Christopher Pike was intended to be the lead of the original Star Trek series by Gene Roddenberry and was played by Jeffrey Hunter in the original pilot episode “The Cage”. The character returned for another episode of the original series titled “The Menagerie” and was portrayed on the big screen in 2009’s Star Trek and 2013’s Star Trek Into Darkness by Bruce Greenwood.


With Pike as Captain of the Enterprise, it will be interesting to see whether or not another member of the original crew of the pilot makes an appearance. Especially since the science officer on that ship was Spock.
