Captain Marvel #5 (Review)

May 28, 2020

Mad Cave Studios


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Marvel Action: Captain Marvel #5

Marvel Comics/ IDW Publishing

Written by: Sam Maggs

Art by: Sweeney Boo

Letters by: Christa Miesner

Not every comic issue has to include punching and kicking and other types of generic action because too often is character development left out in the cold as a result. For a single issue, Captain Marvel #5 packs enough laughs and establishes some interesting points that can be explored in future issues that the largely peaceful issue is a solid early piece in this run. 

Nadia Van Dyne and Captain Marvel, an unlikely duo, find themselves stuck in shrunken form due to the actions of A.I.M agents. After escaping them and an overly aggressive bee, they try to find a way to grow to normal size and figure out what A.I.M is planning. 

Carol Danvers is unable to use her powers as it will result in leveling the city so she is rendered effectively powerless. It lays down an interesting plot line for future issues emboldened by the line, “I can’t be Captain Marvel without the Marvel.” Having any superhero question who they are without their gadgets, suits or powers is always an interesting concept especially with one as powerful as Captain Marvel. 

As a result of this, Danvers is forced to let the young and inexperienced Van Dyne take charge of the mission. It’s an obviously tough ask for someone with “Captain” in their moniker and Carol’s obvious uncomfortableness with the change can go in many directions, all full of potential.

Despite these serious seeds being planted, the overall tone of the issue feels more like a typical Ant-Man/Wasp run than a Captain Marvel one. With Van Dyne’s peppy attitude and general nativity playing against Danver’s sarcasm and more laid back approach, Captain Marvel #5 is nothing if not a fun read. 

Sweeney Boo’s art is what drives home Captain Marvel’s emotions of disbelief at her current situation, Van Dyne’s constant positive outlook and other character’s reactions. The issue is incredibly bright and colorful which is fitting when dealing with the shrunken world the Wasp is used to. 

Overall rating: 7/10