An anime called "A Condition Called Love" is based on a popular manga by Megumi Morino. It shows how the relationship between Hotaru, a girl who doesn't...
Anime Articles
Where Does the Apothecary Diaries Anime Leave Off? Explained
The Apothecary Diaries anime follows the life of Maomao, a young apothecary in an ancient imperial court. Fans are curious about how far the anime covers...
Does Hulu Have Chinese Dub Anime? Here’s What to Know
Hulu has a lot of anime, but it can be hard to find anime with Chinese dubs. There are a lot of subbed and dubbed options on the platform, but not many...
Anime Girl Names: Unique And Beautiful Choices
Anime girl names combine art, tradition, and individuality, which makes them appealing to both anime fans and parents all over the world. This blog talks...
Anime Flix: Legal Status, Issues, and Safe Alternatives
Anime Flix is a popular website for streaming anime shows without ads. However, many users wonder about its legality, reliability, and whether it’s safe...
Is The Suicide Squad Anime Good?
The Suicide Squad Isekai is DC's newest anime. It combines the chaotic energy of the The Suicide Squad fantasy elements. The show has great animation and...
Why Is New Anime Writing So Abad? Analyzing Modern Anime’s Writing Problems
New anime writing has sparked debates among fans. Many wonder why newer shows are shorter, feature more English, or seem less impactful compared to older...
What Anime Attacks Are Said Out Loud?
In a lot of anime, characters yell out their attack names before they hit. This has been done since the early days of shows like Dragon Ball Z, and it...
How to Block Anime Ads for Seamless, Ad-Free Anime Viewing
Watching anime online can be frustrating with constant ads interrupting your experience. Fortunately, using ad blockers is an easy solution to block ads...
Anime NYC 2025: Your Ultimate Guide to the Convention
In the United States, Anime NYC is one of the biggest and liveliest anime conventions. It takes place every year in the middle of New York City. Fans,...
Guide To Mastering Anime Poses: Tips and Techniques
Pose is an important part of anime for making characters move and telling interesting stories. If you're an anime art fan or someone who just likes to...
Berserk Anime: A Complete Guide to Watching All Versions
The anime series Berserk is a dark fantasy show based on the manga by Kentaro Miura. There are several versions of it: the original in 1997, the Golden...