Nerdy by Nature: Colonize Mars! What Could Go Wrong?

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 Today, Nerdy By Nature chats about Colonizing Mars!

Chris was chomping at the bit to chat about possibilities that remain among the stars in our skies. SpaceX (and others) are racing to be the first private organization to make colonizing on Mars a reality.

How long will this take for us to make this a reality?

Despite the promises by Musk and Obama, we still question the probability of making Mars a dream come true.

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By Elijah Drown

Elijah lives in Canada and spends his spare time hosting the Nerdy By Nature Podcast, grabbing new friends to join GWW, playing board games, cycling, or playing a Barb in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Sitting down is not his forte as keeping busy started with three kids (2 boys and a girl). He grew up along side the PC and spent countless hours playing multiplayer Quake with a 9600 baud modem (despite the lag). These days, Steam is his favourite place to play online, along with Forza Horizon on XBOX Live (when his oldest son lets him play).

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