Tonight GWW writer and podcast host Agasicles Stamas joins up with Comics Editor Brad Bell to go deep into a discussion on DC Comics’ Convergence Event. Let’s put this right up front: this show is mainly for those who have read most of the issues or do not mind spoilers. Regardless, there will be unabashed Spoilers in this podcast!!! We cover a bit of past event history in the DC Universe and specifically the other events that have led up to Convergence, the differences between how Marvel handles events versus DC, and then we run down our impressions of every issue. Please join us and give a listen to our feelings on one of the biggest events in the DCU since the New 52 soft-boot. And if that is not enough and you’re still hungry for more, please check out the reviews of the core Convergence books and the side-shot issues that we have been covering on the site. Then stay tuned to site to see the coverage of the event’s remainder over the next month, and check back in June/July for our post-Convergence wrap-up podcast once it is all over! We hope you enjoy the show and thanks again for your support and feedback. Salut!!!