Conan Battle for the Serpent Crown #1 (Review)

Feb 5, 2020

Mad Cave Studios


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Conan Battle for the Serpent Crown #1
Marvel Comics

Written by Saladin Ahmed
Art by Luke Ross
Colors by Nolan Woodard
Letters by Travis Lanham


Conan the Barbarian enters a new and strange land and must use his skills as a thief to survive.

Conan’s trek through the desert will test him physically and mentally. As his hunger grows, Conan realizes that surviving is the order of the day. Luckily for him, the next city he comes upon fills him with hope; Las Vegas. Unfazed by the lavish lights and colors of the city, the Cimmerian can only think about the hunger in his belly and the fact he will have to steal to get the money to buy food.

As he takes on an armored truck, he finds that the weapons beings used against him are powerful and it will take an unlikely partner to finish the job. When his new partner offers him the opportunity to take down an even bigger target, he is cautious but interested. Unfortunately for the Barbarian, the target is living in the casino owned by Mephisto.

Saladin Ahmed begins an incredibly entertaining tale for the lost in time barbarian and it is interesting to see Conan struggle in the modern world, but still keep his resolve and eye on his mission. The dialogue is great and the story is fun and filled with adventure. I am interested in seeing where this story goes next and the end of this issue promises something unique in this series.

Luke Ross does some great work with the art in this issue. Everything is filled with vibrant details and Ross does a great job of building tension in the panels to the final reveals.