“Concerned Americans Support Federal AI Oversight, Survey Finds”

Aug 21, 2023


A survey conducted by the Artificial Intelligence Policy Institute (AIPI) found that a majority of Americans have concerns about AI and support federal oversight. 62% of respondents expressed concern about AI, while only 21% said they were excited about it. Additionally, 56% of those surveyed supported the creation of a federal AI regulatory agency.


A recent survey conducted by the AIPI revealed that a significant number of Americans are skeptical about AI and believe that federal oversight is necessary to manage the potential risks associated with the technology. The survey also indicated support for the establishment of a federal AI regulatory agency.

Main Points

  • 62% of respondents expressed concern about AI, while only 21% said they were excited about it.
  • 56% of those surveyed supported the creation of a federal AI regulatory agency.
  • 72% preferred to slow down AI development, and 82% said they don’t trust tech executives to regulate AI.
  • These findings suggest that Americans are wary about the future of AI and want policymakers to step in and develop responsible regulations.


The survey results highlight the need for federal oversight and regulation of AI in order to address public concerns. The findings also indicate a broad consensus among Americans that policymakers should play a role in determining the direction of AI development. As AI continues to advance and become more pervasive, there is a growing need for an organization, such as a federal regulatory agency, to provide the public and policymakers with essential information and research to guide responsible AI governance.