Leading up to his headlining convention appearance at Heroes-Con 2016 in Charlotte, NC at the Charlotte Convention Center June 17th through the 19th. The Reel Brad Bell had the honor of interviewing one of the most definitive artist in the history of comics, the living legend: Neal Adams. Adam’s is credited for some of the most iconic character creations in the history of DC Comics including: Jon Stewart, Man-bat, and Ra’s Al Ghul just to name a few. In addition to his character accreditations, Adam’s is responsible for some of the most renowned art in the history of comics. From his work on Superman Vs. Muhammad Ali or his iconic covers for Batman #251 and Superman #233, whether you are a casual reader or an comics enthusiast odds are you have seen Adam’s unsurpassed artwork somewhere. So sit back and enjoy greatness at work in this very special crossover edition of the Confirmed Epic and Capes Crew Podcast for Geeks World Wide!
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