Crush & Lobo #1 (REVIEW)

May 31, 2021

Mad Cave Studios


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Crush & Lobo #1
DC Comics

Written by: Mariko Tamaki
Art by: Amancay Nahuelpan
Colors by: Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by: Ariana Maher

It seems like DC Comics wants to do more Lobo right now, between Crush & Lobo #1 and the recently announced Superman vs. Lobo. Can’t imagine anyone has an objection to that — The Main Man will probably make sure whoever does isn’t heard from again.

Although, we don’t see a ton of Lobo in the first issue of Crush & Lobo #1. Readers find out why in the course of the story, and it seems like we’re going to get plenty of DC’s big-time bounty hunter. But, this series isn’t titled Lobo & Crush, and there’s a reason for that.

Mariko Tamaki spent a lot of time familiarizing readers with Crush throughout Crush & Lobo #1. It’s clear she adopted some traits from her beloved dad, and she’ll have to work some things out with Lobo if she doesn’t want to turn into him. But one would think she’ll have to undergo this growth without direct help from dad. Even if it was a lesson about bounty hunting, I cannot envision Lobo passing down sage wisdom down to anyone in any capacity.

Crush & Lobo #1 has a high tempo, and that’s the result of Amancay Nahuelpan’s artwork. While Crush is talking to the readers about her life, she’s fighting off villains and dealing with other messes throughout the story. That’s how it should be with a Lobo book — get things rolling right out the gates and don’t slow down.

Best to get in on this eight-issue series on the jump.

Score: 8.5

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