Jul 5, 2021

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Crush & Lobo #2
DC Comics

Written by: Mariko Tamaki
Art by: Amancay Nahuelpan
Colors by: Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by: Ariana Maher

Still not a whole lot of Lobo in Crush & Lobo #2, which is a little disappointing. DC seems to be turning to the Czarnian more, with Superman vs. Lobo also due to begin this summer. Hard to imagine we won’t get a lot more of Lobo in that story, but we’ve also only gotten a little of him through two issues of Crush & Lobo.

Now, there’s still plenty of time left in this story — there are six issues left in Crush & Lobo. Also, I’m completely invested in what Crush is going through. The biggest reason being I truly don’t know if she’ll resolve this relationship issue she’s currently dealing with.

Sure, Crush is reflecting on her relationship in the aftermath of the break-up, but she’s not really examining where she went wrong. She’s just making excuses, and I have a hard time imagining dear old dad is going to tell her to do otherwise. But maybe that’s how Tamaki will try to surprise readers in this series — turn Lobo into a halfway decent father.

Not sure how I’d feel about that idea. Even if it’s all an act in the end, I can’t imagine Lobo pretending to be thoughtful. He’d need to undergo some kind of ridiculous surgery or extremely intense brainwashing of some sort.

While there’s some confusion with the story — not always a bad thing — Amancay Nahuelpan’s artwork is anything but. Nahuelpan is very consistent, and Tamra Bonvillain is, of course, one of the best there is.

Lastly, Dan Mora’s cover for Crush & Lobo #2 may be the best cover of the series — certainly the best of all the ones that have been revealed to this point.

Score: 8

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